First Things First Early Childhood Therapist Incentives Programs


The First Things First Incentives Program has ended effective July 1, 2015 and is no longer accepting applications. For any questions, call Ana Roscetti at 602-542-1066 or email at

ADHS Notification Letters
Therapist Eligibility

Therapist Eligibility

Are you eligible?

Therapist Licensure Requirements

Licensure Requirements

Requirements that therapists must meet.

Service Area Eligibility

Service Area Eligibility

Prospective service area requirements.

Regional Partnership Councils

Partnership Councils

Regional partnerships councils by Zip code.

The First Things First Early Childhood Therapist Incentives Programs have two components: Loan Repayment and Stipend. The purpose of these programs is to provide incentives for Speech/Language Pathologist, Occupational and Physical Therapist, Child Psychologist, and Mental Health Specialist who provides early childhood development services to children through age 5 in specified areas of Arizona as determined by the First Things First (FTF) regional councils. Currently, the regional councils that are participating in the FTF Incentives Programs are South Phoenix, Graham/Greenlee, Yuma, Central Pima, and Navajo Nation.