
Drowning is the leading cause of death among children ages 1 to 4 years old in Arizona. In 2022, 30 children died from drowning in Arizona. Children under 5 years of age are at the greatest risk. In 2022, 83% of drowning deaths occurred in children less than five years old. The majority of drowning deaths in Arizona occur in pools, hot tubs, and spas.

Leading risk factors for drowning deaths among children in Arizona include:

  1. Lack of supervision
  2. Inability to swim
  3. Lack of pool barrier 
These deaths are preventable.

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The most effective way to keep children safe near water and avoid drownings is to follow the ABCDs of drowning prevention:

  • Do not leave children unattended near pools or pool areas.
  • Provide constant supervision for children under 4 years of age during bath time.
  • There should be a focused adult supervisor that is responsible for watching children that are in or around open water, pools, and spas. Especially for high-risk groups such as young children and children with special needs.
  • Designate at least one responsible adult to monitor the pool area when children are present.
  • Use “touch supervision,” where the adult can always reach out and touch the child.
  • Those with pools need to ensure that they are enclosed on all four sides by a wall, fence, or barrier to ensure restricted access to young children. Pool enclosures need to be at least 5 feet tall and 20 inches from the water’s edge and have a gate at least 54 inches above the floor that swings away from the pool. The gate should have a self-closing/latching mechanism.
  • Those with pools should ensure there is no openings in pool enclosures that are wide enough for a child to get through or under. There should also be no protrusions, like handholds, which can be used to climb the enclosure.
  • Ensure barriers meet your city barrier codes.
  • Talk with rental companies to ensure safety features for renters with children. Including pool fencing, alarms, and other safety features/devices.
  • If possible, teach children to swim as soon as possible after the age of 1.
  • Parents and caregivers should learn first aid and CPR in case of an emergency.
  • Ensure that children wear properly fitted coast guard approved life jackets (inflatable swimming aids and personal flotation devices are not a substitute for a life jacket).
  • Always have children wear life jackets in and around natural bodies of water, such as lakes or the ocean, even if they know how to swim.
  • Life jackets can be used in and around pools for young swimmers too.
  • Do not rely solely on flotation devices to protect children from drowning.
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